關 於 我 們
FunPro 室內設計師是創造時尚、實用的公共空間和住宅室內設計的專家。無論項目的目的是什麼,我們都努力創造一個全面的空間:每個設計元素都有一個特定的目的,沒有多餘的東西。我們將極簡主義的方法與現代發展的創新相結合,實現舒適性和美學的完美平衡。
FUNPRO interior designer is an expertin creating stylish and practical public spaces and residential interior design.No matter what the purpose of the project is, we strive to create a comprehensive space: each design element has aspecific purpose, and there is nothing superfluous. We combine minimalist methods with modern development innovations to achieve the perfect balance of comfort and aesthetics.
設 計 總 監